Amputation Online Resources

Around the Web: National Resources

The American Amputee Foundation Inc. (AAF) was established in 1975 as a national information clearinghouse and referral center serving amputees, their families, and care providers. The foundation researches and gathers information on amputation including studies, product information, available services, self-help publications, and hundreds of articles concerning amputation and related conditions.

The Amputee Coalition of America (ACA) is a national, nonprofit amputee consumer educational organization representing people who have experienced amputation or are born with limb differences. The ACA includes individual amputees, amputee education and support groups for amputees, professionals, family members and friends of amputees, amputation or limb loss related agencies, and organizations.

Amputees in Motion International (AIM) is a nonprofit organization in California that provides a list of resources and information.

The National Amputation Foundation was founded in 1919 by veterans with amputation. More recently, it has expanded its services to include civilians with amputation. The organization provides peer support,information and manages an equipment loan closet. provides orthotics and prosthetics information for professionals and consumers, with the goal of improving the quality of care provided by O&P professionals and the quality of life of their patients.